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Welcome to the Party
November 4, 2019 •Paul Schueller

There have been lots of new firms, mergers and acquisitions in our industry lately. To those organizations that have recently been talking about customer engagement and expanded service offerings: Welcome to the party! We’ve been wondering when you’d arrive.
It’s been going on for about 25 years now, but it hasn’t gotten boring. Quite the opposite, in fact. Over time, we’ve been adding new decorations and party favors – like upgraded products, a brand-new platform, and a whole lot of people (we’re up to about 1,300 employees now).
Sure, at first it was an obscure industry that mostly consisted of the “environmental geeks.” But as the years have flown by, the spotlight has shone brighter and brighter as energy efficiency and demand response interest has grown – and millions of jobs have been created. We’re proud of the role we have gotten to play in that growth.
We haven’t spent nearly three decades in this industry without knowing what we’re doing – and it’s not possible to remain successful without continuous growth and innovation. And combining innovation with growth and industry-leading technology is something we continue to value and emphasize.
When we launched our Efficiency@Work suite of software products, we were one of the first in the industry to do so. We were proud of our proprietary technology and the way it made our experts’ lives easier. Fast-forward a few years, and we built something new: the NGAGE™ technology suite. With client, customer and partner portals and a whole lot of features, it was exactly what the industry needed. Yes, we were still implementers – but we had also expanded into the realm of technology, which has continued to keep things interesting.
Take a look at our experts. When we got started in the 90's, Megan was still in diapers and applying plastic lipstick while Steve was already building his career. Now, they work side-by-side to deliver results.
While Rodney grew up on the West Coast, Paige is from the Midwest. Their differences haven’t stopped them from contributing their unique perspectives and collaborating on projects in a judgement-free, accepting environment.
Diversity of all kinds is key to a great party, and that’s something we have valued since day one. It’s one reason we’ve seen this level of success.
Between our blog and our resource library, we’ve got years’ worth of knowledge and advice from our experts. They use these outlets to share their passion with the world, and it’s something we’re proud to share with clients as well. We’re driven by passion at Franklin Energy, and everything we do is in support of our purpose: to help all people use our world’s precious resources more efficiently. No decent guest shows up to a party without a gift for the host, and we tend to bring our expertise wherever we go.
So, as new guys emerge on the scene and we all look to stay on top of evolving client needs, we wish you all the best. A little advice from the ones who did it first? Leverage your data, build your platforms and develop your culture. Dig into safety and diversity and all the things we’ve been working on for years.
Oh, and again. Welcome to the party.
If you're interested in learning more, contact us to set up a meeting today.